Torrent of linguatec voice reader studio
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Dating > Torrent of linguatec voice reader studio
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And indiscreet glances from those beside you are gone forever! Import sound effects Voice Reader Studio allows you to integrate sounds very easily. Dutch Belgium English Australian English Indian English Irish English Scottish English South African Finnish. The Voice Reader Home is designed for private use.
С этой публикацией часто скачивают: Автор:Коллектив Название: Voice Reader Home British English Издательство: Linguatec Год: 2009 Формат: ЕХЕ Размер: 256МВ Страниц:1000 Listening is... Recommendation: Voice Reader Studio is perfect for professional use. Ссылки для ознакомления: Уважаемый посетитель, Вы зашли на сайт как незарегистрированный пользователь. Voice Reader Studio от Linguatec имеет профессиональные функции, которые экономят время и деньги интенсивной поездки в студии звукозаписи. Linguatec Voice Reader Studio Edition - Complete Voice Reader Studio has the professional features that save time and money-intensive trips to the recording studio. Google the Internet for topics that interest you and make cramming fun with Voice Reader. You can create your audio books, novels or poetry heard in German, prepare speeches or presentations, as it would sound to hear what you have written.... Add-on options Even more to choose from! This means you absorb teaching content quicker and easier when learning, e. And indiscreet glances from those beside you are gone forever! Уважаемый посетитель, Вы зашли на сайт как незарегистрированный пользователь.
You can then listen to your documents on your MP3 player, MP3 mobile phone or iPod while on the move: in the car, on the train, on the plane, while jogging or simply relaxing. We have a solution for everything.
linguatec voice reader studio deutsch 2008 german cygiso bitreactor to - Save the combination of one-time set volume, speech speed, pitch and gender under the speaker name. We have a solution for everything.
Voice Reader is an innovative voice output program for recording any kind of text. Why not listen to your own e-mails? Trained speaker provided the basis for the Voice Reader voices, which makes an incredible difference. And it gets even better! Enter your own test sentences into our free web service. You can then listen to your documents on your MP3 player, MP3 mobile phone or iPod while on the move: in the car, on the train, on the plane, while jogging or simply relaxing. Export important documents to your MP3 player quickly and easily, and you have your all-important data with you without having to stare at a screen or sheet of paper. And indiscreet glances from those beside you are gone forever! This means you absorb teaching content quicker and easier when learning, e. Planning a speech or presentation? Listen to your text with Voice Reader! Clumsy formulations, incorrect sentence order, logical breaks? These errors are easy to miss on paper, but stand out when heard. Boring, out-dated audio texts for learning are a thing of the past! Google the Internet for topics that interest you and make cramming fun with Voice Reader. The Voice Reader Home is designed for private use. If you want to make audio files you have generated available to a larger audience, the Voice Reader Studio is the perfect solution for you.